Personal Trainer

I have always had an interest in sport and exercise, and love to share it with others. I enjoy teaching people new ways to stay fit and healthy, and helping them to reach new levels of speed and strength. In my own training I like trying out new styles and techniques, and am always looking for new ways to challenge myself.


  • Bachelor of Exercise Science at the University of Canberra
  • Level 1 S&C coach with the Australian Strength and Conditioning Association
  • Level 1 Sports Trainer with Sports Medicine Australia


  • SAQ (speed, agility & quickness) and sport specific training
  • Strength and conditioning (S&C)
  • Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting
  • Fat loss and Muscle building 

Career Highlight

As part of my university degree I’ve had a wide variety of experiences thanks to my internships. I had the opportunity to spend some time with the S&C coach of the Canberra Capitals, which gave me a unique insight into the training of elite athletes. But perhaps even more illuminating was my internship as a coach for the YMCA Senior Sports Carnival, which showed me just how much everybody can benefit from a little exercise.